Join QBooking

We help you expand your visibility worldwide and earn more!

Supply QBooking Solutions Form

1. Kindly fill in the form 2. We will review your details as soon as possible 3. We will get in touch to discuss your application

  • 1

    Your Details

  • 2

    Your Locations

  • 3

    Your Fleet

  • 4

    Other Information

  • Your Details (Required*)

  • Your Locations (Required*)

    This is required!

    Less than 5 6-20 More than 20

    On Airport Off Airport Mixture of Both

    Upload file

    Allowed Extensions: .pdf, .docx, .doc, .xls, .xlsx, .csv.

    The file should not be larger than 8M

  • Your Fleet (Required*)

    Less than 2 years 3-5 years More than 5 years

    Cars Mini Vans Special Vehicles

    Upload file

    Allowed Extensions: .pdf, .docx, .doc, .xls, .xlsx, .csv.

    The file should not be larger than 8M

  • Other Information (Required*)

    Yes No



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Why Choose Us?

  • Bookings Generation
    By providing API interface, car dealers can access more channel platforms by themselves, saving the cost of finding market channels.
  • Inventory Management
    With the best inventory management algorithm in the industry, the same vehicle can have a higher rental rate and significantly improve the rental efficiency.
  • Saving Operating Cost +
    System automation, mobilization, saving labor costs
  • Statistics and performance report
    Provide operational data to provide reference for store operation and save operating costs

What We Look For?

  • Great Cars

    A modern fleet with a wide range of cars.

  • Excellent Customer Service

    A partner who values & delivers an outstanding customer experience.

  • Competitive Rates

    Rates that give customers fantastic value for money, and help both sides earn more.

  • Commitment to Partnership

    A willingness to form a fair long-term partnership.